Thursday 10 February 2011

Maslows Hierachy of Needs

Maslow's hierarchy of needs are motives of a person that are concerned with meeting certain needs. There are five types of needs they are: physiological needs, safety needs, belonging and love needs, self esteem needs and self actualization needs. As each need is satisfied, the person may go up the hierarchy and attempt to satisfy the next need.

The first four needs are deficiency needs, this means that we try to achieve what is essential to live, whilst the fifth need, self actualisation, is a growth need.

In terms of the media production the teenagers has to fulfill their self esteem needs because they need a sense of belonging and acceptance, so they need to be approved and recognized. As our film depicts reality of different pressures within society and keeping up with trends, they must reach the self actualization stage in order to reach their full potential.

This is a humanistic approach and it says that each person is unique and that psychology should focus on subjective feelings and thoughts of the person. It emphasis is on the understanding of the uniqueness of a person rather than formulating laws of behavior.

This clip below depicts how youth are seen in todays society. Reporter Ruth Liptrot shows that youth in todays society are been shown in a bad light, they are being generalised to be 'hoody youths' which is a negative depiction.

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